Please Update My Information

A place to share updated information with the church office.
You do not need to fill out every field below - just NEW or UPDATED information.

Your e-mail address is required so we can match your entry with our database manually when we make changes. 
Personal Information

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Contact Information and Preferences

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Note: the only information displayed in the church directory is name, pronouns, phone, email, address, a list of your family members, and your photo.

If you select "yes" but do not want your phone, email, or address listed in the directory, please contact the church office and we can mark one or more as unlisted.
Emergency & Health Info

Note: the information in this section is available to church staff and key leaders to assist in emergency situations or making accommodations. It is not published in the directory, etc.
Your legal name is helpful if we ever need to visit you in the hospital.


A place to share updated information with the church office.